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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

எக்ஸ்செல் சீட் எளிய குறுக்குவழிகள் Advanced Excel Shortcuts and Tips

Advanced Excel Keyboard Shorcuts Keys

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மைக்ரோசாஃப்ட் எக்ஸ்செல் நம்பமுடியாத பல திறன்களைக் கொண்டுள்ளது, அவை உடனடியாக உணரப்படவில்லை. எக்ஸ்செல் குறுக்குவழி விசைகள்(shortcut keys) நேரத்தை மிச்சப்படுத்த மிகவும் பயனுள்ளவை மற்றும் பயன்படுத்தக்கூடியவை.
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250 மைக்ரோசாஃப்ட் எக்ஸ்செல் இல் கட்டளைகளை இயக்குவதற்கும் முடிப்பதற்கும் எளிதான மற்றும் பொதுவாக விரைவான முறையை வழங்க குறுக்குவழி(shortcuts keys) விசைகள் உதவுகின்றன. சுட்டி கிளிக்குகளைப் பயன்படுத்தாமல் இருப்பதன் மூலம் எவ்வளவு நேரத்தைச் சேமிக்க முடியும் என்பது ஆச்சரியமாக இருப்பதால் பெரும்பாலும் குறுக்குவழிகளைப் பயன்படுத்த விரும்புகிறோம். எக்செல் இல் உள்ள விசைப்பலகை குறுக்குவழிகள் பொதுவாக ALT, Ctrl, Shift, செயல்பாட்டு விசை மற்றும் சாளர விசையைப் பயன்படுத்தி அணுகப்படுகின்றன.

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Main Category

Shortcut key


GeneralAlt+Down arrowTo display Auto complete list
GeneralCtrl+8To toggle outline symbols
GeneralAlt or F10To activate menubar
GeneralCtrl+KTo add the hyperlink
GeneralCtrl+ZTo undo the last action
GeneralF11To create the Chart
GeneralShiftHold down shift for additional functions
GeneralShift+F4To find next
GeneralShift+F5Find the value
GeneralAlt+F1To insert chart
GeneralF1To open Excel help
GeneralF5To open 'Go To' dialog box
GeneralF7To open spell checker dialog box
GeneralF10To activate menubar
GeneralShift+F7To view object
GeneralShift+F8To add selection
GeneralShift+F9Quick watch
GeneralShift+F10To Show right click menu
GeneralCtrl+F4To close the window
GeneralCtrl+F10To activate menubar
GeneralAlt+F4To close VBA
GeneralAlt+F6To switch between last 2 windows
GeneralAlt+F11To open VBE 
GeneralAlt+SpacebarGo to system menu
GeneralAlt+BackSpaceTo undo the last action
GeneralCtrl+ETo Export module
GeneralCtrl+GDisplay 'Go to Dialog" box
GeneralCtrl+HReplace the value
GeneralCtrl+JList Properties/Methods
GeneralCtrl+LShow Call Stack
GeneralCtrl+TabGo to cycle windows
GeneralCtrl+Shift+ITo Edit Parameter Info
GeneralCtrl+Shift+JTo Edit List Constants
GeneralCtrl+F1To display or hide the ribbons
GeneralAlt+Shift+Right ArrowTo Group Rows or Columns
GeneralAlt+Shift+Right ArrowUngroup Rows or Columns
GeneralCtrl+Shift+LTo Add/Remove the filter

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Main CategoryShortcut keyDescription
Window KeysWKTo start the menu
Window KeysWK+RRun dialog box
Window KeysWK+MMinimize all
Window KeysShift+WK+MUndo minimize all
Window KeysWK+F1To help
Window KeysWK+ETo open Window Explorer
Window KeysWK+FTo find files or folder
Window KeysWK+DTo minimize all open windows and display the desktop
Window KeysCtrl+WK+FTo Find Computer
Window KeysCtrl+WK+TabTo Quick launch toolbar
Window KeysWK+TabCycle through taskbar buttons
Window KeysWK+LTo log off windows
Window KeysWK+PTo start print manager
Window KeysWK+CTo open Control Panel
Window KeysWK+VTo start Clipboard
Window KeysWK+KTo open keyboard properties dialog box
Window KeysWK+ITo open mouse properties dialog box
Window KeysWK+ATo start accessibility options

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Main CategoryShortcut keyDescription
Dialog BoxAlt+F8Macro dialog box
Dialog BoxAlt+’To open format style dialog box
Dialog BoxCtrl+1Format cells dialog box
Dialog BoxShift+Ctrl+F+FTo open the Font tab in Format cells dialog box
Dialog BoxCtrl+Alt+VTo displays the "Paste Special" dialog box
Dialog BoxCtrl+TTo display the Create Table dialog box
Dialog BoxCtrl+Shift+FTo display the Format cells dialog box
Dialog BoxEscCancel the Command and close dialog box
Image result for advanced excel
Main CategoryShortcut keyDescription
Entering DataCtrl+shift+:To insert current time
Entering DataCtrl+’Fill the above formula in down
Entering DataCtrl+:To insert current time
Entering DataCtrl+;To insert current date
Entering DataCtrl+RTo fill the right
Entering DataCtrl+YTo redo the last action
Entering DataCtrl+DeleteTo delete to end of word

Main CategoryShortcut keyDescription
FileShift+F11To insert new worksheet
FileShift+F12To save the file
FileCtrl+F12To open the file
FileCtrl+Shift+F12To give the print
FileAlt+Shift+F2To save the file
FileCtrl+PTo print the file
FileCtrl+STo save the file
FileCtrl WTo close the file
FileF12To Save as the file
FileCtrl+F2To print the file
FilePage UpGo to page up
FilePage DownGo to page down
FileLeft ArrowGo to left
FileRight ArrowGo to right
FileUp ArrowGo to up
FileDown ArrowGo to down
FileEnterGo to new line
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Main CategoryShortcut keyDescription
FormatCtrl+XTo cut the value
FormatCtrl+Shift+~To convert into general format 
FormatCtrl+Shift+#To convert into date format
FormatCtrl+Shift+$To convert into currency format
FormatCtrl+Shift+%To convert into percent format
FormatCtrl+Shift+^To convert into expontential format
FormatCtrl++To insert the row
FormatCtrl+-To delete the row
FormatCtrl+2To make font  Bold
FormatCtrl+3To make font  Italic
FormatCtrl+4To underline the Font
FormatCtrl+6To show/hide objects the View
FormatAlt+EnterTo Start the new line in same cell
FormatShift+Ctrl+FTo open the Font tab in Format cells dialog box
FormatShift+Ctrl+PTo open the Font tab in Format cells dialog box
FormatCtrl+BTo make font Bold
FormatCtrl+UTo underline the font
FormatCtrl+VTo paste the data
FormatCtrl+Shift+!To comma format
FormatShift+F2To edit cell comment
FormatCtrl+ITo make the font Italic
FormatCtrl + Shift + 1To format number in comma format.
FormatCtrl + Shift + 4To format number in currency format.
FormatCtrl + Shift + 3To format number in date format.
FormatCtrl + Shift + 5To format number in percentage format.
FormatCtrl + Shift + 6To format number in scientific format.
FormatCtrl + Shift + 2To format number in time format.

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Main CategoryShortcut keyDescription
FormulasF4To repeat the last action
FormulasCtrl+Alt+F9To calculate the worksheet in all open workbook
FormulasCtrl+Alt+Shift+F9To rechecks dependent formula
FormulasCtrl+F3To define the name
FormulasCtrl+Shift+F3To create the names in row and column
FormulasAlt+=Sum Function
FormulasCtrl+`To display formula
FormulasCtrl+Shift+ATo insert the argument names into formula
FormulasCtrl+'To copy formula from cell above
FormulasF3To paste name into formula
FormulasF9To evaluate the part of formula
FormulasShift+F3To paste function into formula
FormulasCtrl+Shift+F2To go to last position
FormulasCtrl+Shift+F8To step out
FormulasCtrl+Shift+F9To clear all breakpoints
FormulasCtrl+Shift+EnterTo Enter the Formula as an Array formula
FormulasCtrl+Shift+UToggle Expand or Collapse formula bar
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Main CategoryShortcut keyDescription
Hot KeysAlt+O+C+ATo Adjust Column Width to Fit the Content
Hot KeysAlt+O+C+WTo Adjust Column Width to Specific Value
Hot KeysAlt+O+R+ATo Adjust Row Height to Fit the Content
Hot KeysAlt+O+R+ETo Adjust Row Height to Specific Value
Hot KeysAlt+D+PTo Open Pivot Table wizard
Hot KeysAlt+H, ALAlign Left
Hot KeysAlt+H, ARAlign Right
Hot KeysAlt+H- ACAlign Cight
Hot KeysAlt+H, ATAlign Top
Hot KeysAlt+H, AMAlign Middle
Hot KeysAlt+H- ABAlign Bottom
Hot KeysAlt+H, WTo wrap the text
Hot KeysAlt+H, HHighlight Cell (change cell backgroudn color)
Hot KeysAlt+H, FCFont Color
Hot KeysAlt+H, FSFont Size
Hot KeysAlt+H, MMMerge Cells - Merge
Hot KeysAlt+H, MUMerge Cells - Unmerge
Hot KeysAlt+H, MCMerge Cells - Merge and Center
Hot KeysAlt+H, MAMerge Cells - Merge Across
Hot KeysAlt+H, MTo merge the text
Hot KeysAlt+H, FFTo change the font style
Hot KeysAlt+H, FSTo change the font size
Hot KeysAlt+H, FPFomat painter
Hot KeysAlt+Y, RTo record macro
Hot KeysAl+M, NTo Open dialog box of Name Manager
Hot KeysAlt+A,VVTo open Data Validation dialog box
Hot KeysAlt+N,VTo insert the Pivot Table
Hot KeysAlt+N,TTo insert the Table
Hot KeysAlt+N, CTo insert Column chart
Hot KeysAlt+N, BTo insert Bar chart
Hot KeysAlt+N, OTo insert Stock, Surface and Radar chart
Hot KeysAlt+N, NTo insert Line Chart
Hot KeysAlt+N, A11To insert Area Chart 
Hot KeysAlt+N, SDTo insert Combo Chart
Hot KeysAlt+N, QTo insert Pie Chart
Hot KeysAlt+N, DTo insert Scatter Chart
Hot KeysAlt+F, NTo open new worksheet
Hot KeysAlt+F, OTo open the file
Hot KeysAlt+F, STo save the file
Hot KeysAlt+F, ATo Save as the file
Hot KeysAlt+F, HTo share the file
Hot KeysAlt+F, ETo export the file
Hot KeysAlt+F, CTo close the file
Hot KeysAlt+F, DTo check the account
Hot KeysAlt+F, TTo open the Excel options
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Main CategoryShortcut keyDescription
NavigateCtrl+F7To move window
NavigateCtrl+Shift+_To remove the outline border around selected cell
NavigateCtrl+5To apply/remove strike through formatting
NavigateShift+F6To move previous pane
NavigateF6To move next pane
NavigateHomeMove to beginning of line
NavigateEndMove to end of line
NavigateShift+Left ArrowExtend selection left side
NavigateShift+Right ArrowExtend selection right side
NavigateShift+Up ArrowExtend selection up side
NavigateShift+Down ArrowExtend selection down side
NavigateCtrl+Shift+Arrow KeyExtend the selection of cells to the last nonblank cell in the same column or row as the active cell.
NavigateAlt+TabMove to cycle applications
NavigateCtrl+HomeTop Of Module
NavigateCtrl+EndEnd Of Module
NavigateCtrl+Page UpGo to top of current procedure in another sheet
NavigateCtrl+Page DownGo to top of current procedure in another sheet
NavigateCtrl+Left ArrowMove one word to left
NavigateCtrl+Right ArrowMove one word to right
NavigateCtrl+Up ArrowGo to up till the blank cell
NavigateCtrl+Down ArrowGo to down till the blank cell
NavigateShift+EnterEnter to Move up

Image result for advanced excel
Main CategoryShortcut keyDescription
SelectionCtrl+Shift+&To place the outline border around selected cell
SelectionCtrl+Shift+*To insert current time
SelectionCtrl+9To hide rows
SelectionCtrl+0To hide columns
SelectionCtrl+Shift+(To unhide rows
SelectionCtrl+Shift+)To unhide columns
SelectionCtrl+EnterTo fill the selected cell range with the current entry
SelectionShift+SpacebarTo select the entire row
SelectionCTRL+/To select the array containing the active cell.
SelectionCTRL+SHIFT+OTo select all cells that contain comments.
SelectionCTRL+\To select the cells that don't match the formula
SelectionCTRL+SHIFT+|To select the cells that don't match the formula
SelectionCTRL+[To select cells directly referenced by formulas in the selection.
SelectionCTRL+SHIFT+{To select cells directly/indirectly referenced by formulas 
SelectionCTRL+]To select cells contain formulas directly reference the selection
SelectionCTRL+SHIFT+}To select cells directly/indirectly referenced by formulas 
SelectionALT+;To select the visible cells in the current selection.
SelectionSHIFT+BACKSPACETo select only active cell
SelectionCTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBARTo select the entire worksheet
SelectionCtrl+Alt+LTo reapply the filter and sort on the current range
SelectionCtrl+CTo copy the selected values
SelectionCtrl+DTo fill down
SelectionCtrl+"To fill down
SelectionF2To edit active cell
SelectionF8To extend selection mode
SelectionInsertToggle insert mode
SelectionDeleteTo delete the selected values
SelectionBackSpaceTo delete previous entry
SelectionShift+InsertTo paste the data
SelectionShift+HomeSelect from start of line
SelectionShift+EndSelect till end of line
SelectionShift+Page UpSelect to top of module
SelectionShift+Page DownSelect to end of module
SelectionCtrl+ATo select all data without blanks
SelectionCtrl+FFind the value
SelectionCtrl+InsertTo copy the selected values
SelectionCtrl+SpacebarSelect the complete row
SelectionCtrl+BackSpaceGo to delete to start of word
SelectionShift+DeleteTo cut the selection
SelectionCtrl+Shift+Arrow keyTo select the data from first active cell to last active cell 

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Main CategoryShortcut keyDescription
WorkbookCtrl+F5XL, Restore window size
WorkbookCtrl+F6Next workbook window
WorkbookShift+Ctrl+F6Previous workbook window
WorkbookCtrl+F9To minimize workbook
WorkbookCtrl+F11To open VBE
WorkbookCtrl+Shift+F6For Previous Window
WorkbookAlt+Shift+F1To open new worksheet
WorkbookCtrl+OTo open workbook
WorkbookShift+Ctrl+TabTo activate previous workbook
WorkbookCtrl+NTo create new workook